Living for the Cinema
Short movie reviews from the last 50+ years by Geoff Gershon. https://livingforthecinema.com/
Living for the Cinema
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
The Griswalds Are Back! Only this time, they're staying home for Christmas in this third entry of the highly popular "National Lampoon's Vacation" which started in the early '80s. Chevy Chase once again returns as the enduringly hapless Clark Griswald while Beverly D'Angelo also returns as Ellen Griswald, his long-suffering wife. And for the third film in a row, their children Audrey (Juliette Lewis) and Rusty (Johnny Galecki) are played by ENTIRELY different actors. They also have loads of extended family visiting including in-laws played by Randy Quaid, Doris Roberts, EG Marshall, Diane Ladd, William Hickey, John Randolph, and Miriam Flynn. Of course with a full house, loads of holiday chaos ensues including rogue squirrels, dried-out turkeys, and super-charged cats! Celebrating its 35th Anniversary, let's revisit this beloved holiday comedy directed by Jeremiah Chechick and both written and produced by the late great John Hughes.
Host & Editor: Geoff Gershon
Producer: Marlene Gershon
Directed by Jeremiah Chechik
Starring Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Juliette Lewis, Johnny Galecki, John Randolph, Diane Ladd, EG Marshall, Doris Roberts, Miriam Flynn, Randy Quaid, Cody Burger, Ellen Hamilton Latzen, William Hickey, Brian Doyle-Murray, Nicholas Guest, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Genre: Holiday Family Comedy (Audio clip)
This was such a cable staple on in the background for me back in the day that I had forgotten that it was actually funny. 😄 Unlike the previous two 'Vacation movies, Chevy is even ENDEARING in this...and delivering quite well on the physical comedy.
I was never crazy about how they aged down Rusty but early pre-teen Juliette Lewis almost makes up for it as an acid-tongued Audrey. Cousin Eddie (Randy Quaid) returns to bring the funny though a little of him goes a long way. 🤔 Strong new additions to the cast include two of my favorite '90's sitcom stars: Doris Roberts (Everyone Loves Raymond) as Clark's snotty mother-in-law and Seinfeld’s Julia Louise Dreyfuss as one of their even snootier yuppie neighbors, MARGO. Just about everyone's going for it and the movie is definitely at its funniest when there's sharp banter back-and-forth like the following:
"Do you sleep with your brother? Do you know how sick and twisted that is?"
"Well, I'm sleeping with your father. Don't be so dramatic."
The whole thing is a breezy 90 or so minutes even though it DOES fizzle a bit in the third act...which you could have said about the second one in Europe which STILL remains my personal favorite of the franchise. Still considering that I have never much like most Christmas films, this is always a fun rewatch!
Best Needledrop (best song cue or score used throughout runtime of film):
Ok let’s start off with tinsel-covered elephant in the room…..and with all due respect to Mavis Staples who is a genuine jazz & R&B LEGEND….but sorry I could never much stand her “Christmas Vacation” theme song which bookends the film during both the opening and closing credits. One reason is that I have just always found it to overly produced and treacly…..(Audio clip)
And the other reason is….that it simply PALES in comparison to what should be considered the OFFICIAL theme song of the franchise which opens the previous two Vacation films….I’m referring to the super-catchy “Holiday Road” from Lindsey Buckingham which we Never even hear during this movie….just wrong. (Audio clip)
Now I’m not one to get particularly sentimental over Christmas or Christmas music for that matter but there is one brief sequence AND song which has always worked for me….even rarer is that from the entire Chevy Chase filmography, I can’t honestly recall ANY other moments where he has portrayed a character acting AND feeling sentimental. Unlike most of his comedy peers from this era – Steve Martin, Robin Williams, even Eddie actually – Chevy’s on-screen persona has never really lent itself to those kinds of moments.....but one such one occurs about 35 minutes and it helps to have JUST the right song to accompany it.
You see Clark has kicked off this morning in the attic seeking old Christmas heirlooms and hidden presents…..JUST as the rest of the extended family has left the house to do some Christmas shopping so he finds himself trapped in this freezing attic. So what does he do? Dresses himself up in whatever warm accoutrement he can find including old gloves and a towel to wrap around his head. And then he finds some film reels of old Christmas recorded from when he was a child….back to 1955, in black & white, grainy footage of family members outdoors nabbing Christmas gifts from their cars outside. He cranks up the projector and watches wistfully….and the song playing overhead? None other than the late great R&B, pop music LEGEND….Ray Charles Robinson born out of Albany, Georgia. That’s right Ray Charles from his 1984 Christmas album, “The Spirit of Christmas.” Just a LOVELY, gentle ballad featuring soulful vocals from Ray with a chorus and full orchestra behind him….Chase’s facial performance during this brief montage is just very sweet and the track itself is called, “That Christmas Spirit.” (Audio clip)
Wasted Talent (most under-utilized talent involved with film):
I would just like to give a special shout-out to a somewhat secret weapon driving the ‘Vacation franchise who has been as essential to its success as Chevy, John Hughes, Randy Quaid, or any of the wide array of differently aged players portraying Audrey and Rusty…..I’m referring to Beverly D’Angelo who has played ELLEN Griswald in every one of these movies from the get-go. It’s a cliched role for sure, more often seen in many family sitcoms from this era…..and very often quite thankless…the put-upon, underappreciated wife who is DEFINITELY in a league above her dorky husband. (Audio clip)
D'Angelo has brought an easygoing warmth, wit, and earthiness to this role….and she’s been doing this in a variety of memorable roles in both films and TV going back fifty years….several notable films including Annie Hall, Paternity, Hair, and a very POWERFUL dramatic supporting role in previous episode American History X. She’s great here with several genuinely funny lines too so a SPECIAL thank you to Mrs. Griswold for years of valuable service. (Audio clip)
Trailer Moment (scene or moment that best describes this movie):
Now this isn’t necessarily the funniest scene of the film but as far as I’m concerned it’s likely the most iconic. It occurs around the 40 minute mark and leading p to is such drama, anticipation, AND some funny pratfalls in response from the next door neighbors….simply put, I’ve got two words for you: CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. (Audio clip)
MVP (person or people most responsible for the success of this film):
As tempted as I am to give it to Chase since his Clark Griswold IS the lynchpin of this franchise, I gotta say that every one else in the cast is pretty much doing their jobs JUST as well….I means seriously, rewatching this I had forgotten just how strong of a cast this actually was and with a lot of awards recognition to come no less. Roberts and Dreyfus were soon to go on multiple Emmy runs while Diane Ladd and Juliette Lewis were just a year or two away from receiving Oscar nominations….overall it’s a good ensemble given solid direction by Chechik.
Nope at the end of the day, it’s the screenplay which carries this movie: pretty straightforward three act structure, each character is given at least a couple of funny lines, and there’s a solid mix of heart AND humor. So who was the writer you say? Well he was not only the writer, he was the long-running producer behind this franchise….and he was not only a creative force behind THIS franchise but he was just finishing off a decade as of one of THE most popular and influential drama/comedy auteurs of the 1980’s…..WITH his single BIGGEST film that he also wrote and produced – another Christmas comedy named Home Alone – to come out the following year. Yes I’m referring to the man who gave us The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles, and previous episode Planes, Trains, and Automobiles…..why it’s the founder of the fictitious town of Shermer, Illinois himself The MVP is John Hughes. (Audio clip)
Final Rating: 3 stars out of 5
Oh and for the record, I DO prefer this movie to Home Alone and it’s also up there among Chevy Chase vehicles for me….a few notches below Fletch and Seems Like Old Times which remain at the top. It’s a grower and perfect for the season…speaking of which, Merry Christmas to ALL who celebrate out there!
Streaming on Hulu, Max, and Prime Video